Medical expertise, coupled with well-developed communication and customer service skills creates results.
Our medical disability management system provides a critical edge in resolving claims quickly and with the best quality of care.
Support for the Injured Worker
Our experienced nurse case managers understand the apprehension injured workers can feel upon entering the health care system. Through the course of medical treatment, we act as the injured worker’s advocate and guide, offering educational and emotional support. When indicated, case managers will also accompany the injured worker to the doctor. This ensures the treatment plan is appropriate and the medical provider is actively working to restore good health... returning your employee to full or modified duty as soon as practical.
Promoting Timely Provision of Care
Whether it is early intervention immediately following claim reporting or after medical issues become more complex, nurse case managers work in concert with the employer, provider and injured worker to establish and expedite a medical treatment plan while focusing on reducing lost-time days. Our long, cooperative history with the medical community accelerates the identification of acute care needs and assures a team approach to the recovery process and return-to-work plans.
Cost Containment
Nurse case managers have clinical expertise in assessing and developing treatment plans for occupational injuries. Using nationally recognized treatment guidelines, case managers assertively manage the injured worker’s rehabilitation, promoting light or transitional duty opportunities and cost-effective outcomes - all of which positively impact the client’s total cost of risk.